Maratha Empire - What are some interesting facts about the Maratha Empire



          Some Curious Facts about the Famous Maratha Empire. 

The Maratha Empire also was known as the Maratha Confederacy was the dominant power in the 17th and 18th centuries. The Empire was established in 1645 and with the defeat of Peshwa Bajirao-2, it was demolished in 1818.

Below are some facts about Maratha Empire Facts :

1. Their warfare followed the idea of ‘Dharmayudh’ which means the righteous war. Their      determination and desire for the victory which left other empire rulers spellbound.

2. Their speed and strategy in the wars were the perfect examples for their victory.

3. The “Bhakti Movement” which helped to unite the people on a nationalistic platform           which    provided massive support to the Shivaji’s spiritual efforts.



4. The most important character of the Maratha armies was offensive all throughout the           history.

5. The Maratha Empire always supported equality which was not at all common in the            medieval       period. There were many people from low castes and Muslims from the          society who played an      important role in the achievement of independence from the          foreign rule.

6. They were the real inspiration to many other folks in the state who turned out to be the        national  heroes who willed to sacrifice their lives for independence.

7. Chhatrapati Shivaji was called as the 'Mountain Rat' and was widely known for his              guerrilla         warfare tactics. He was called so because of his awareness in geography        of   his land, and    guerrilla tactics like raiding, ambushing and surprise attacks       on        his enemies. He knew the    importance of a good army, and with his skills,   expanded        his father's 2000 soldier army   to 10,000 soldiers.

8. Chhatrapati Shivaji was a dependable supporter of women and their honour. He opposed      all   kinds of violence, harassment and dishonour against women. Anyone under his rule      caught  violating woman's rights was severely punished. In fact, women of captured            territories were          also released unharmed, and with integrity. 


9. The Maratha commitment to establishing a traditional Hindu state in the subcontinent is      evidenced by the enormous effort they took to coronate Shivaji and officially found the        Maratha Empire in 1674. This came at a time when grand Hindu imperial coronations          were rare, due to most rajas being the rulers of smaller states or under Mughal control.
    During the coronation, Shivaji housed and fed 50,000 guests including Brahmins                 (Hindu     priests) from all over India, had himself weighed against seven metals and           various               valuable spices, all before bathing in water brought over from the                Ganges river, sacred to     Hindus. Finally, he was declared lord of the umbrella                    (Chatrapati, his title), a traditional     symbol of kingship for great Hindu and Buddhist         rulers, in imitation of the gods Varuna     and Vishnu, signifying that the world was               encompassed under the great king’s umbrella.

    Thus, by intent and symbolism, it is clear that the Marathas were clearly establishing an     empire steeped in Hindu culture and symbolism, if not formally so in a political manner.


And the Fact that this empire was known as Maratha Empire & not a Bhosale Empire, this speaks a lot.


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