Features of Java - Why Java became famous

Features of java - Made Easy : 

                                                  Even Though, Many Languages has been in use now a days, Still many of the people are using java on t heir machines. Apart from being a system independent language, there are some reasons for the immune popularity of this language. 

1. Simple :

      Java is a simple language. But why do we call it as a simple programming language and What makes  it Simple?
      Rather than saying that this is the feature of java, we can say that it is the design aim of Java. First of all the difficult concepts of c and c++ have been omitted from Java. For Example : The concept of Pointers - which is very difficult for learners and Programmers has been eliminated from Java. Java maintains the same syntax of c and c++ to make it simple.

2. Object Oriented Programming :

      Java is a Object Oriented Programming Language. This means that Java programs use objects and classes. What is an Object? An Object is anything that is physically that exists in this world and can be distinguished from others. A group of objects exhibiting same behavior will come under the same group called as Class. A class represents a group name given to several objects.

      For Example: let us take some dogs named : sunny, jimmy, tom, pinky. Here all these dogs exhibit same behavior and hence belong to the same group called Dog. Here Dog is a Class and sunny, jimmy, tom, pinky are objects of Dog class.

3. Platform Independent an Portable :

      Java Programs can run on any platform. Platform in the sense means the Combination of operating system and processor. Java's byte code is machine independent. Suppose you wrote a program in a platform with windows os and Intel processor and after compiling you can run the byte code in another machine with Linux  os and AMD processor.

4. Compiler and Interpreter :

      Java is a Compiler and Interpreted Language. Java programs are first compiled to generate the byte code. This byte code is interpreted by the interpreter in  jvm(Java Virtual Machine). If we take any other languages only an compiler  or interpreter can be used to execute the programs. But in Java, we use both compiler and interpreter to execute the programs.


5. Robust and Secure :

      Robust means Strong. Java  Programs are strong and they don't crash easily like c and c++. There are two reasons for this. Firstly, Java has got excellent inbuilt exception handling features. Another reason, why java is robust lies in memory management features. Most of the c and c++ programs crash in the middle because of not allocating sufficient memory or forgetting the memory to be freed in a program.

      Security problems like tampering, impersonation and virus threats can be eliminated or minimized by using Java on Internet.

6. High Performance :

      The problem with interpreter inside the JVM is that it is slow. Because of this, Java programs used to run slow. To overcome this problem, along with the interpreter Java introduced JIT (Just In Time)  compiler, which enhances the speed of execution. So now in JVM, both interpreter and JIT compiler work together to run the program.

7. Multithreaded :

      Java supports multithread programming, which allows you to write programs that do many things simultaneously. The Thread represents an individual process to execute a group of statements. Creating multiple threads is called "Multi-Threading".

8. Distributed :

      Information is distributed on various computers on a network. Using java, we can write programs, which capture information and distribute it to the clients. This is possible because Java can handle the protocols like TCP/IP and UDP.  

9. Dynamic : 

      Before the development of Java, only static text used to be displayed in the browser. But when James Gosling demonstrated an animated atomic molecule where the rays are moving and stretching, the viewers were dumbstruck. This animation was done using an applet program, which are the dynamically interacting programs on internet.