100 Amazing Inventions that have changed our daily life and world in many ways : Part 18


        100 Amazing Inventions

86. What is the Apple Pencil?
        The Apple Pencil comes with the Apple iPad Pro. It is a stylus, but it is no ordinary stylus. Long and slender, the device looks and feels like a pencil, and so, the name is most apt. The Pencil has many uses. It can be used for taking notes, to annotate documents, to create beautiful graphics, and to mark up drawings.
Apple Pencil
Apple Pencil

        The Pencil works seamlessly with an array of apps, allowing you to draw onto the apps, and unlock other functions. This pressure sensitive writing tool is both sophisticated, and easy to use. Press lightly to get a thin stroke, or press harder to get a thicker stroke. You can even shade, and trace through a regular sheet of paper using the Apple Pencil.
Drawing an image using Apple Pencil
Drawing an image using Apple Pencil

        The device also comes with a built-in lighting plug that is revealed by removing the Pencil's cap. This allows you to plug your pencil directly into iPad to change.
        All things considered, the Apple Pencil is truly a remarkable invention.

87. Which is the cheapest and greenest car?
        Tesla's Model X is the world's first luxury electric Sports Utility Vehicle, or SUV. Its most amazing features are its mind-bending acceleration, gorgeous design, and amazing rear passenger doors. Tesla calls them 'falcon' doors, because they lift like the wings of a bird. But most important of all, since it runs on electricity, it is economical and eco friendly too.

        Like all electric vehicles, it is very quiet, and very smooth. It is convenient and cheap, for it does not guzzle expensive petrol or diesel. Owners just have to pull into their garage, plug in the car, and let the battery recharge for the next day's running.

        Electric cars are green in that they do not release toxic fumes into the atmosphere. Their batteries give them a low centre of gravity, which means that they handle like sports cars. So, it is no wonder that Tesla's Model X has been hailed as the meanest, greenest, driving machine on the road today.

88. How, and When, were mirrors invented?
        The history of mirrors dates back to ancient times when mankind first saw reflections in a pond of river, and considered it magic.
        At first, polished stone or metal was used in the early man-made mirrors. Later, glass was used in combination with metals like tin, mercury, and lead. Today, combining glass and metal is still the method used in almost all modern mirrors.

        The two way mirror was originally called the 'transparent mirror'. There is a silver coating on the glass of a two way mirror, which, when applied to the back of the glass, renders the glass opaque and reflective on its face under ordinary light conditions.

89. Why is it said that Douglas Engelbart was an unsung hero in the history of computers?    
        Douglas Carl Engelbart was an American engineer and inventor, and an early computer and Internet pioneer. He is best known for his work on the challenges of human - computer interaction.
Douglas Mouse
Douglas Mouse

        Douglas Carl Engelbart changed the way computers worked, from specialized machinery that only a trained scientist could use. He invented, and contributed to several interactive, user-friendly devices including computer 'mouse', which revolutionized the way we use computers. 
Douglas Mouse
Douglas Mouse

So, he was regarded as one of the prominent contributors to the massive development of computers. Engelbart died in 2013.

90. Who invented the first Typewriter?
First Typewriter:
        Christopher Latham Sholes invented the first practical modern typewriter with his partners Soule and Glidden in 1866.  The invention was patented in 1868, and was manufactured by Remington Arms Company in 1873. 
The First Type Writer
The First Type Writer

        Before the computer, the typewriter may have been the most significant everyday business tool. After five years, and dozens of experiments later, Sholes and his associates produced an improved model, similar to today's typewrites. The type-bar system, and the universal keyboard were the machines novelty but he keys jammed easily. To solve the jamming problem, another business associate, James Densmore, suggested splitting up keys for letters commonly used together to slow down typing. Thus the 'QWERTY' keyboard was formed.

        The first electric typewriter was the Blickensderfer. In 1994, IBM designed the first typewriter with proportional spacing.