100 Amazing Inventions that have changed our daily life and world in many ways : Part 17


    100 Amazing Inventions

81. Why is the Morpher helmet a handy invention?
        Anyone who rides a bike knows that they must wear a helmet for their own protection.
        But, helmets are bulky and difficult to store. This difficulty inspired British cyclist Jeff Woolf to invent a helmet that would be easier to carry around and store away.

        The result was the Morpher Bike Helmet. What sets the Morpher apart from ordinary helmets is the fact that it folds flat so that it resembles a small textbook.
        This means it will easily fit into backpack, purse or briefcase. At the same time, it is safe as normal helmets, and has already most European testing standards.

        Its flat shape when folded makes it possible to be sold by vending machines too. With its stunning looks, Morpher is the answer to every cyclist's dream of a stylish, comfortable, and easy to carry and store helmet that is also 100 percent safe.

82. Why is the Ring an amazing invention?
        The Ring is a brilliant invention by Logbar Inc. The technology offers a new mode of communication that works through gesture recognition, and uses Bluetooth based technology.

        The Ring lets you control anything with a gesture. It is an actual ring that is to be worn on the index finger. The Ring recognises the motions of the finger, and uses them to send texts, make payments, and control the TV, as well as the lights. This latest wearable technology can be used to control smart household items and even to make payments with the swipe of a finger.
Ring connected to computer, phone via Bluetooth

        For example, drawing an envelope shape in mid air opens an email, drawing a camera opens the camera app on a connected phone, or drawing a musical note will start playing songs.

83. Why is the hoverboard considered a fun invention?
        A Hoverboard is a self balancing without wheels and consists of a gryoscope, which is a device consisting of a wheel or disc, mounted so that it can spin rapidly about an axis, which is itself free to alter in direction.

        A Hoverboard also has motors that keep the board balanced, and move it forward, microprocessors to manage power output to the motors, and large batteries to fuel the device. Hoverboards do not hover, but they are great fun, and are used for all kinds of stunts, racing in hallways, and even dance routines.

        Shane Chen is the man who developed and patented the Hoverboard design, and in a very short time, they have become enormously popular.

84. Why is the Microsoft Holo Lens an extraordinary invention?
        Virtual Reality headsets, like Oculus Rift, create a virtual world when you wear them. Microsoft's HoloLens is an Augmented Reality or AR Headset. It overlays graphics and text on the real world as you see it through the device's lenses. The HoloLens is the first ever Microsoft Hologram device that will fuse the real world and the virtual reality.

        Holograms are 3D images that have been projected and captured on a 2D surface. If you look at these holograms from different angles, you see objects from different perspectives, just like you would if you were looking at a real object. Some holograms even appear to move as you walk past them, and look at them from different angles.

        The HoloLens can project virtual or digital images to the real world. The images would appear a 3D objects which would enable the user to manipulate these objects.
        The device is being used by NASA to mimic Mars terrain in tabs.

85. Why is the Safety Truck a welcome invention?
        Many road accidents are caused when drivers try to overtake large trucks, without realizing what lies ahead. The Safety Truck is a creative solution to this problem, put forth by Samsung, and an advertising agency in Argentina named Leo Burnett.

        The Safety Truck consists of a wireless camera attached to the front of the truck, which is connected to a video wall made out of dour exterior monitors, located on the back of the truck. The monitors give drivers behind the truck a view of what is going on ahead
        This allows drivers to have a better view deciding whether it is safe to overtake. It may also reduce the risk of accidents caused by sudden braking.