100 Amazing Inventions that have changed our daily life and world in many ways : Part 16


    100 Amazing Inventions

76. Why is Gravity Light an important invention?
        Did you know that there are currently over 1.5 billion people in the world - especially poorer countries who have no reliable access to electricity? These people rely, instead on mostly kerosene for lighting once the sun goes down. GravityLight is a lamp that is powered not by electricity, batteries, kerosene or diesel but by gravity.
Gravity Light
Gravity Light

        This lamp uses a bag filled with rocks or earth, attached to a cord, which slowly descends. After a few seconds, this action powers the light for up to thirty minutes whenever needed.
        Once the weighted bag reaches the floor, which depends on how high it was installed, it is simply lifted to repeat the process. GravityLight has no batteries to run out, replace or dispose of. There is no smoke or fumes too.

        GravityLight is completely clean and green- it is truly revolutionary new approach to storing energy and creating illumination, especially for developing countries.

77. How has Mangalyaan created history?
        ISRO, which is the Indian Space Research Organization, created history on September 24th 2014, by successfully putting a space craft into orbit Mars with its very first attempt. The Mars Orbiter Mission, named Mangalyaan, floated smoothly into Mars orbit making India the first country in the world to achieve this feat in its maiden attempt.
Mars Orbiter
Mars Orbiter

        Unlike many other space craft, the Mangalyaan only has five equipments on board to study the various conditions on the Mars, and it has been hailed as the most cost effective space project to date.

        The mission is critical, as it will help ISRO understand better the dynamics of keeping a spacecraft in orbit for almost a year. It will also help our scientists gain deeper insights into deep space communications, and more efficient ways to manage future interplanetary missions.

78. Why are 3D printers very useful?
        3D printing is a rapidly changing technology that has exciting potential for designers and industries all over the globe.
        These printers can build objects from digital blueprints. A 3D printer is very different from an ordinary printer. It follows a predetermined plan provided by computer software. The computer directs 
3D Printer
3D Printer

the 3D printer to add new layers to a digital blueprint. The object is thus, built up layer by layer, and until a complete three dimensional product is produced.
        One of the greatest advantages of 3D printing is that it can be used to create artificial organs for organ transplant. 3D printers speed up industrial processes, and can immensely improve defense systems by helping to create complex weaponry.

        On a day to day level, 3D printing can transform our homes to small factories where we can fabricate practically we want. With a 3D printer, one can manufacture objects that were previously made at the industry level, such as ornaments or toy cars. Isn't that a thrilling thought?

79. What is SOCCKET?
        SOCCKET looks like a soccer ball, but it is much more. It is a portable generator that harnesses and stores energy when played with.
A Child using SOCCKET for reading
A Child using SOCCKET for reading

        As the ball is kicked around, it harnesses the kinetic energy exerted on it.
        Weighing about 30 grams more than a standard soccer ball, SOCCKET is constructed from custom water-resistant foam that is both durable, and soft to the touch. A pendulum like mechanism inside captures the kinetic momentum generated during play, and stores this energy inside for later use.
Obama playing with SOCCKET to charge
Obama playing with SOCCKET to charge

        Just 30 minutes of play can power a simple LED lamp for three hours. Designed and assembled in the USA, the project is currently being piloted in selected areas of North America- continents where soccer is the national pastime.

80. Why is it getting easier to charge mobile phones?
        Mobile phones are very useful, but their batteries have to be recharged frequently.
        This means you have to carry your charger everywhere, and if you are at place where there is no electrical plug point, recharging is not possible. 
Mobile Charger
        With a new device called SolePower, developed by a company of the same name, recharging your mobile phone battery as easy as walking!
        This device comes in two parts- the power generating insole, and the battery.
        The user places the insole in their shoe, and snakes the wire through the laces. The battery is then fastened around the ankle, or to the top of the shoe.
Sole Power
Sole Power

        The wire is plugged into the battery, which then receives its charge simply from the user walking around as they would normally. In testing, the company found that the battery would receive enough energy to fully charge an iPhone in anywhere from 4 to 8 kilometers. SolePower does not depend on external conditions. Rain or shine, day or night, every step you take is a step closer to a full battery.