100 Amazing Inventions that have changed our daily life and world in many ways : Part 14


    100 Amazing Inventions

66. Why is the story of  YouTube interesting?
        YouTube is a video sharing website. Launched in May 2005, YouTube allows billions of people to discover, as well as to watch and share originally created videos. It also provides a forum for people to connect, inform, and inspire others across the globe.
YouTube Logo
YouTube Logo

        YouTube was founded by Chad Hurley, Steven Chan and Jawed Karim who were all early employees of PayPal. The first YouTube video was uploaded on April 23rd, 2005.
        During the summer of 2006, YouTube was one of the fastest growing sites on the Web. The website averaged nearly 20 million visitors per month.
YouTuber on YouTube
YouTuber on YouTube

        On October 9th, 2006, it was announced that the company would be purchased by Google. YouTube's statistics at the end of 2015 claim that more than 400 hours of video was uploaded to the site per minute. At over one billion users, YouTube has over a third of the entire population of the Internet hooked on to it!

67. Why are the night vision goggles useful?
       Night vision goggles are special glasses that enable a person to see in the dark. These goggles have many uses for military and law enforcement agencies.
        The first practical night vision devices were developed in Germany in the mid-1930s, and were used by both German tanks and infantry during World War II. The biggest problem with night vision goggles is that everything is seen only in grey or green colours.
Night Vision Goggles
Night Vision Goggles

        However, a revolutionary system developed for the Dutch military makes night-time video images look as clear and colourful as those shot in broad daylight.
        The product is still being tested and hopefully it will be available in the market soon.

68. What is surface computing?
        More than four decades after the introduction of the computer mouse, Microsoft has established a new branch of computer technology known as surface computing.
        The goal of surface computing is to recognize touch and objects on the screen's surface, and to interact with those objects seamlessly, keyboard, or USB port.

        We are familiar with touch screens that allow us to access content without the use of a mouse or keyboard, but surface computing goes even beyond this. The 'Surface' is a 76 cm 'coffee table' display that not only enables direct interaction with digital content, but also responds to natural gestures and physical objects.
        The Surface can recognize physical objects. For example, by simply placing a digital camera on the table top, the surface would recognize what it was, and would automatically display its contents. Amazing isn't it?

69. Why are iPhones so popular?
        iPhones are smart phones designed and marketed by Apple Inc. Development of the first model began in 2004, when Apple started to gather a team to work on the highly confidential "Project Purple". On January 9th, 2007, Steve Jobs introduced the first iPhone. The Phone that revolutionised the concept of smart phones forever.
The Very First iPhone
First iPhone

        By replacing the keypad with a touch screen, and adding advanced computer like capabilities that hadn't been seen before, the iPhone set the standard for all smart phones. Later editions added more and more features.
Evolution of iPhones
Evolution of iPhones

        The 2009 model of the iPhone brought video recording capabilities for the first time, and the camera itself got an upgrade too. In 2010, the model had a new sleeker, more modern look. It was the first iPhone with a front-facing camera, and also the first with some level of multitasking. With each new model, the iPhone's popularity grew!

70. What is a bionic eye?
        A bionic eye mimics the function of the retina to restore sight for those with severe vision loss. It is a boon for people who have gone blind from degenerative eye diseases.
The Bionic Eyes
The Bionic Eyes

        Such diseases damage the eyes photoreceptors. Photoreceptors are the cells at the back of the retina that perceive light patterns and pass them on to the brain in the form of nerve impulses. The impulse patterns then interpreted as images by the brain.
The Bionic Eye

        The bionic eye seeks to replicate this with electrodes implanted in the eye and an external camera fitted to a pair of spectacles.
        These bionic eye will soon be able to let those with vision loss not to just see, but to see on colour too! The bionic eye will change the lives of blind people for the better.