100 Amazing Inventions that have changed our daily life and world in many ways : Part1



       100 Amazing Inventions :

1. Why have the past fifty years been called the age of inventions?
        If you were trying to name the greatest invention in human history, it would be hard to beat the stone chopping tool and the hand axe.
      However, during the past fifty years, inventions have changed our world in ways once only imagined in science fiction. Many of these have also changed, not only our early day lives, but also the course of history. 

Age Of Inventions
Age Of  Inventions

          Giant long steps have been taken in different fields, whether it is medicine, energy or technology. Today, new products, services and ideas are introduced on almost a daily basis. Whether it is band aids or ATMs, cell phones or space probes, the inventions made during the last fifty years are attribute to man's thinking ability and ability to create interesting new things and are as varied as they are amazing.

2. How has internet changed the world?
        There is no doubt that the greatest among all recent inventions is the internet. The Internet is the worldwide system of interconnected computer networks that link billions of devices worldwide.
The Internet
The Internet

The Internet
The Internet

         It first came into existence in 1969, when the US military began to build the computer network that linked the computers at different locations. It was called ARPANET, and later, the network was opened to all users and renamed as the Internet.
           The Internet has given people a new way to communicate . Secondly, it is sort of modern library. The Internet has also affected the process of people making, selling, and buying things, and even in the way people shop! It has changed the way people think and feel about each other, and the world around them.

3. How has the balloon catheter revolutionized medicine?
        The removing of blood clots from veins and arteries used to be a complicated process, and one that was often deadly for the patient.
         The development of a technique known as angioplasty(surgical heart repair), and the invention of the balloon catheter by Thomas Fogarty in 1969, greatly reduced this risk.
Balloon Catheter
Balloon Catheter

        Angioplasty is done using a thin, soft tube called a catheter(thin flexible tube inserted into the body). A doctor inserts the catheter into a blood vessel in the groin or wrist. He carefully guides the catheter through blood vessels until it reaches the coronary arteries. If there is a something preventing the flow of blood, the catheter is moved to the narrowed part of the artery. 
Working of Balloon Catheter
Working of Balloon Catheter

        A tiny balloon is moved through the catheter, and is used to open the artery. The balloon is inflated for a short time. Then it is deflated, and removed. The pressure from the inflated balloon makes more room for the blood to flow. Thus, we can say that the invention of the balloon catheter created medical history.

4. Why is the smoke detector an important invention?
         One of the most important inventions of our modern times is the smoke detector. It can sense when a fire occurs, because of higher levels of smoke in the home.
        When this happens, it sounds an alarm that is designed to wake up that building's occupants   (people living in a building, etc). 
Smoke Detector
Smoke Detector

             George Andrew Darby invented the first true smoke detector in the early 20th century. It did not depend just on temperature, but also included some of the tiny particles of dust, etc. from smoke into the sensor design for an alarm to sound.
             This useful device has saved many lives, and is found in almost every modern building around the world today. In fact NASA too developed a type of smoke detector for skylab project.

5. Why is the invention of the digital watch important?
         Today, modern watches are made in both twin mechanical form, and in digital form.
 A digital watch or clock is a type of clock that displays the time digitally that is in numerals or symbols, opposed to an analogue mechanical clock, where the time is pointed to by the positions of rotating hands.
        More than 40 years ago, the Hamilton Watch Company introduced the world's first commercial electronic digital wristwatch. It was named Pulsar, and was an 18-car-at-gold cased device that used a red LED to tell the time to the user. However, it was very expensive.
Digital Wrist Watch
Digital Wrist Watch

Touch Digital Wrist Watch
Touch Digital Wrist Watch

         Later, the Pulsar became a smaller company owned by Seiko, and inexpensive, plastic strapped versions of the digital watch were introduced into the market. Digital Watches are more accurate and stylish. In addition, digital clocks can be very small and inexpensive.
         As a result, they are often included into all kinds of devices such as cars, radios, microwave ovens, televisions, standard ovens, computers and cellphones.